Brand design for a new work agency

Creating a new working world – that is tenkile’s mission. Every work environment can be improved and redesigned, making employees happier and companies more successful in the long term.

The challenge: tenkile, the newly founded company, to design a brand that appeals to traditional, medium-sized companies as well as corporations and motivates them to think differently in the work context and also to go new ways for once.

Brand identity
Brand claim
Logo kit
Color scheme
Design elements
Social media templates
Newsletter template
Rollup for exhibition
Brand Manual

Brand identity in a nutshell

Together we defined tenkiles' brand values and core. It is the foundation of the entire brand design and the basis for the company's direction and communication.

Name and origin

Tenkiles are tree kangaroos - they climb far up, thus have a wide view and are ready for what may come - just like tenkiles' customers.

The visual language

The appearance is colorful and positive. The design elements are reminiscent of the habitat of the Tenkile kangaroo - they are close to nature and have a special radiance.

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